


Twilight Imperium Marathon

Four of us in the NTTTBGM played Twilight Imperium yesterday. It was a marathon for sure. We started at noon reading rules and watching a video. The rules seemed fairly clear and by 3:15 PM when our fourth player showed up, we had learned how to play and…

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Game Day for NTTTBGM

The North Tahoe Table Top Board Game Meetup had another game day yesterday. We meet twice a week so it wasn’t an unusual event! We played Lords of Waterdeep with all expansions with six people. I don’t know why we torture ourselves by playing games with more than…

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Public and Private Information in Board Games

The issue of public vs. private information in board games is an interesting one. If you have every played a board game of any complexity, you have dealt with the issue in some way. Most people ignore it completely or deal with it subconsciously or accidentally. Private information…

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Games, Linkage Program

Life is a Board Game

No, not “The Game of Life” board game: it sucks! I mean that some of the mechanics of board games are present in real life. For instance, one of the players a few nights ago made what they discovered was a bad industry placement as their first move….

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Not Alone–Too Many Bones–Sunday Board Gaming

Not Alone is a card game where one player plays a monster/alien and the other players try to “hide” from it until they are rescued. Although the players can all cooperate, that seemed to happen very little. The game does not allow secret communications, or at least our…

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Terraforming Mars is the Best Game Ever

I exaggerate. It’s a great game for me an the group I play with but saying it is more than that presumes I know what every other board game player wants in a game and finds in this one. I played with three other people last night. Let’s…

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Playing Well and Still Losing

My daughter could not make it to the game group meeting on Sunday so some of us met on Saturday so she could play. Then the usual Sunday meeting happens but with the same people (less my daughter). A new game arrived and I called Tim and we…

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Computers & Programming, Games

Unity Card Game (Unfair?)

Just to be clear, I am discussing writing a 2D card game based on a board game and I do not have permission to write it or any affiliation with the board game designers or manufacturers. I don’t intend to share or distribute this game to anyone ever….

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