Monthly Archives

June 2018

Sculpture and Art

Rough Frame for Lifter

I am almost done roughing out the frame for the new ball lift sculpture machine. I find that welding the various extensions to it causes a lot of warping and I need to heat and straighten it more than I would like. I also need to make a…

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Linkage Program

Linkage 3.8 Released

Linkage 3.8.1 is the current version as of this post. It is no longer a Beta test. Warning: The “Connect” feature is now called “Link” and the “L” button will do what he “C” button did before. I left the “C” button doing the same thing to help…

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Linkage Program

Simulating the Assur Triad

Someone told me that what I’m having trouble with is called an “Assur Group” and some research led to me think that its more specifically called an “Assur triad”. The mechanism above is what gives me trouble. Each of the connectors B, D, F, can be simulated and…

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Terraforming Mars is the Best Game Ever

I exaggerate. It’s a great game for me an the group I play with but saying it is more than that presumes I know what every other board game player wants in a game and finds in this one. I played with three other people last night. Let’s…

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Linkage Program

Linkage 3.8 Beta Now–Get It–It’s Cool

I just created a new Linkage 3.8 build. It’s got a few more changes from the last test version and a few are big enough to give this version a new minor version number. get it here: Windows XP and modern 64 bit versions: This…

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