


AutoResponder Config File Parsing

I found a bug in my PHP code that caused strings to match when parsing the AutoResponder config file for responses to submitted text messages. I was using old DOS style wildcards * and ? to make it easy to write the config file. But my comparison functions…

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AutoResponder V2.0

I have been rewriting the AutoResponder code to be 100% PHP and not handle email submissions. This change lets me use a typical web page provider to handle the processing. I started this change a few years ago but didn’t get very far at that time. I decided…

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New PHP AutoResponder

The AutoResponder, described in more detail here, is a program, a set of web pages, and some scripts, that automatically respond to email and SMS text messages. I wrote the AutoResponder a few years ago for a puzzle race. During a race, it is handy for teams to…

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Auto Responder SMS Test Messaging Works!

Last night, I finished work on the SMS text message handling in the Auto Responder. Twilio makes a web service request using my web server using a PHP script that I created for this purpose. It was simple to configure my Twilio account to use my server and…

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Regular Expressions for Humans

The changes to the Auto Responder to support SMS change a few things in my program that affect the users. One of those things is the registration process. With email, the user is expected to send the word “team” followed by their team number to The code…

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Auto Responder Architecture

It turns out that some mobile phone services don’t send SMS messages to email addresses quickly enough. My demo Windows Phone from T-Mobile will not sent to email addresses at all and I have no idea why. To deal with this during the puzzle race, I am going…

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IMAP is Easy

The IMAP protocol, like SMTP and POP3, is a text based protocol. This kind of protocol can be processed by hand using a telnet client or other similar interactive terminal. I just modified the Auto Responder to use IMAP instead of POP3 as its mail retrieval protocol. The…

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New AutoResponder Screen Shots

Here are screenshots of the AutoResponder. I still need to change the title and do some other work on it. These were captured from my iPad. The main menu screen. The teams list for filtering messages per team. All messages. The registered user filter list. The messages screen…

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I finally have a shorter name for the Automatic Emailer Responder Program. EResponder! I’m not sure why I didn’t come up with it sooner although it’s not all that great. Crap! Someone already has a product with that name – not unexpected – and they are a spam…

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