Monthly Archives

June 2013


X3 to X4 Chip Upgrade

I was using a 2.8 GHz AMD Phenom II x3 chip for quite a while. I bought that chip because it was a bit cheaper at the time than the X4 version and it was a huge upgrade from the single core chip that I had before it….

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Image Upload Size Test

Invalid Server Response – The response to the metaWeblog.newMediaObject method received from the blog server was invalid. The WLW log file found at “%LOCALAPPDATA%\Windows Live Writer” shows a line that explains the above error in more detail: <br />  <b>Fatal error</b>:  Out of memory (allocated 26476544) (tried to…

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Recent Biking Adventures

I decided to take a break from programming topics on this blog and write about my mountain bike and how it sat for more than ten years unridden. But really, there is no point in writing about my bike gathering dust. Instead, I’m writing about how I got…

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Microsoft Surface and Windows 8

I’ve been using Windows 8 for a few weeks now as the main operating system on three computers. I also have Windows 7, XP, Linux, and OSX iMac, computers. I’ve gotten past the initial hatred of Windows 8 and I think that I can do a reasonable and…

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