Monthly Archives

July 2013


The Charms Bar – An Oddity

Start Screen with Charms Bar Over there on the right side of the screen is the Charms Bar. It is an oddity to me because it has system-centric information as well as app-centric information. Compare that to the application bar, a feature that many but not all apps…

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Tunnel Creek Road

Population Growth in Sports I went on a mountain bike ride yesterday. I rode up Tunnel Creek Road, in Incline Village, up to the Flume Trail. The last time I was on this road was more than fifteen years ago. It was brutal. When I did this ride…

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Computers & Programming

Panorama Vs. Pivot

The Windows Phone supports two types of controls that a user would think of as panoramas. One is called, of all things, a Panorama. The other is not so obviously called a Pivot control. Panorama I am borrowing some images to describe the Panorama control first. Anyone who…

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