Monthly Archives

March 2013

Computers & Programming

Test of Mars Edit

I just installed MarsEdit on the iMac. I’m not sure what sort of features are available so an experiment is in order. In HTML mode, I see the HTML tags. This sort of sucks. Yes, I know that I SHOULD see the tags in HTML mode. It should…

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Computers & Programming

New iMac

I am the proud owner of a used iMac. I just haven’t turned it on yet. In fact, it is in a box half way here right now. I am starting an iOS project but I also hope to port the Linkage program to the Mac at some…

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SimCity 2013 Review

I thought that I would mix things up on my blog and post about my experience with the controversial SimCity 2013. Having never written a review of something, this should be fun. SimCity 5 was launched on Tuesday March 5, 2013. It was apparently not downloadable from Origin,…

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Linkage Program

DXF Output Partially Working

It took me a while but I now totally understand the DXF format. It wasn’t until I needed to change a bit of the output from the free source code I used, that I needed up getting the details I needed to not be confused. The format is…

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Computers & Programming

Railroading LMO

The release of SimCity 5 sparked my interest in a new Railroad Tycoon game. Although Electronic Arts seems to have failed to build a SimCity game that works like I want it to work, their failure was mostly in releasing a game that could then not be played….

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Linkage Program

Links on Sliders

The code was fairly simple to write and I had a few minutes to spare today while running some long tests on other code. The video shows a few variations of the multiple slider mechanisms. The sliding connectors must have the exact same sliding radius for these to…

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Linkage Program

Code to Slide a Link on a Curve

Link That Slides on Curve I am attempting to make a link slide on a curve. When I started writing the code to handle this, I thought that maybe there is a better way. There must be a way to write the simulation code so that there are…

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