Monthly Archives

August 2010


Nothing to Write

A title of “Nothing to Write” is an oxymoron or some such thing. The simple act of writing that title means that there was something to write. I rebuilt the trailer brake master cylinder. That involved replacing the replaceable parts in it. it took about 15 minutes and…

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Trim Hydraulics

I ordered hydraulic hoses for the outdrive trim. There are four of them and two looked ok. Still, they are old and who knows what might happen. Hoses are available at a variety of prices. Some websites seem to double the price of everything hoping you won’t shop…

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Computers & Programming

PHP Image Processing

I wrote a small PHP script last night to do image processing. I was surprised that it works. I needed to accept a file name, rotation angle, and color. The script opens the PNG file, enlarges it a few pixels to ensure that the rotation doesn’t cause edge…

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Linkage Program

Linkage Simulator

10/7/2014 See the most up-to-date information about the Linkage program here: linkage-mechanism-designer-and-simulator I have a spare minute while I’m running a debugger and waiting for the my program to get to the bad data it is supposedly processing. The program usually runs a few minutes with optimizations, etc…,…

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More About Trailer Brakes

I ordered rebuild parts for the trailer master cylinder. It will be a miracle if the parts are right. I had to search a brake manufacturers site until I found a master cylinder that looked right and had the right size bore. I then found a car that…

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Trailer Brakes

I took apart the master cylinder on the boat trailer yesterday and cleaned it. It’s been sitting dry for 10 to 20 years. I cleaned the cylinder walls as best I could and reassembled it but it seems to leak a bit. Still, after adding fluid and bleeding…

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