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Linkage Program

Darned Planetary Gears

I thought that the Linkage program, with the addition of external gears, would handle a planetary transmission just fine. I was wrong. Aside from the issue of having to drive this with a chain, which is necessary because making the center connector of the gear train an input…

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Factory: A Worker Placement Game

After playing Euphoria recently, and after reading a blog post about worker placement games, I decided to see how quickly could come up with a worker placement game and create a first draft. I was able to come up with a unique mechanic (to me) as well as…

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Too Much To Do – Too Little Time

I don’t usually write about personal stuff. Almost no one reads my blog and those that do are probably interested in the Linkage program or are curious about… the Linkage program. I also suspect that I get a few reads of programming posts now and then (I actually…

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Not Alone–Too Many Bones–Sunday Board Gaming

Not Alone is a card game where one player plays a monster/alien and the other players try to “hide” from it until they are rescued. Although the players can all cooperate, that seemed to happen very little. The game does not allow secret communications, or at least our…

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Game Night, Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Will and I played 7 Wonders Duel. I won. It was his first time playing it but he picked it up quickly enough (board gamers pick up news games quickly). Then Cameron showed up and we played Terraforming Mars. It’s our game-night go-to game because of the level…

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March 7, 2018: Game Night

Tim and I were at the Biltmore as usual. A new player, Eric, showed up early and we headed to the Tahoe Biltmore private dining room (inside the closed-during-the-week Steak House restaurant). We started playing Terraforming Mars, a favorite for me and Tim. After a few generations (rounds),…

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Linkage Program

Linkage Bug/Feature List

I’m getting more requests for features in the Linkage program than ever before. I am now using Axosoft issue tracking software to keep track of bugs and feature requests. Here’s the current list that I generated from user emails and from my memory of things that I want….

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