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Viticulture Game Review

Viticulture by Stonemaier Games is a worker placement game where players plant grapevines, harvest the grapes, make wine, and sell wine. Rules and Gameplay Summary Players in Viticulture first take turns picking a player order during the Spring season; this is their “waking” order. This fairly innovative feature…

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Automation Empire: First Impressions

Automation Empire is a computer game where you create a production system to drill or mine resources and then sell them or refine and combine them into more profitable materials. I’ve spent about 8 hours, an hour or two at a time over the last week playing this…

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Tokyo Metro – First Impressions

I played Tokyo Metro for the first time last night with two friends. I need writing practice so here’s my first impression of the game. Tokyo Metro is a worker placement game with some automated train movement and a stock-based economic feature. The game is played in rounds…

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Computers & Programming

Neural Network Experiment

I suspect that anyone reading my blog will notice that unlike other blogs, I tend to post about things I’m going to do, not things that I’ve done. My latest interest is in neural networks. I think that I have a good grasp of how they work aside…

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