
Linkage Program

Computers & Programming, Linkage Program

Linkage 3.16.18 Beta!

I just made a new beta Linkage app available. And yes, I did just call it an “app” because “program” sounds too old-school. The beta is here: The video above shows one of the newest simulation improvements. The little triangle link with two sliding connectors was not…

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Computers & Programming, Linkage Program

Linkage Pen Support

I got a complaint, albeit a very friendly and not “complainy” one, that the Linkage software isn’t handling the pen (stylus) on a Windows tablet properly. I implemented pen-to-mouse conversion code that seems to be working. My HP Spectre x360 came with a stylus so I was able…

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Linkage Program

Linkage 3.16 Now Avialable

3.16 has been available for quite a long time but only as a Beta version of the program. Or should I start calling it an “app” since that’s the lingo kids are using today, lol. Anyhow, 3.16 is now the official non-beta version of the Linkage app. I…

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