
Linkage Program

Linkage Program

MPEG Encoder for Windows

I create videos using an MPEG encoder for Windows. It’s very hard to find a video encoder that can be used by software like the Linkage program – too many video programs just embed their encoder or require you to buy that software to use their encoder. Since…

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Linkage Program

Rotating Cams to Their Followers

I’m about ready to turn the Beta Linkage program into the official production version. The only problem is that I still want to do more work on it. It feels incomplete if it can’t move a cam to make it meet a follower. In other words, the follower…

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Linkage Program

Improvements to Spline/Cam Features

Thanks to a user, I fixed a few bugs in the spline/cam simulation code. Splines that are not fastened to a link or connector are now treated as part of the “ground” and can be used as cam-like shapes without producing simulation errors. Speaking of connectors; a cam…

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Computers & Programming, Linkage Program

Simulation Woes

I had a running error, or something like that, in the Linkage program. I had targeted 30 frames per second for animations and I used a 33 millisecond target time for each frame. If a frame took less than 33 milliseconds to compute and draw, I would add…

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Linkage Program

Closer to Cams Than Ever

After many more hours of work, I have a complete polyline editor. Each segment can be a Bezier curve or a straight line. Each node can be a cusp or have the control points smooth and optionally symmetrical. Nodes can be added and deleted and the curve can…

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