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rolling ball lifter

Sculpture and Art

Ball Lifter #2 Done!

Rolling Ball Lifter #2 is done. Here’s some video and pictures of the finished product. A quick search of this blog will yield other posts about the construction process. This Rolling Ball Sculpture, Marble Run, or Kugelbahn, is mostly a mechanical ball lift. The track is minimal to…

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Sculpture and Art

Ball Lifter Connecting Blocks Done

Running Crank Shaft with Connecting Blocks and Temporary Rods The video shows the two connecting rod end blocks in place. They each have a screw with a piece of 3/16 rod attached for the sole purpose of testing the blocks. The blocks will have rods attached to the…

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Sculpture and Art

More Ball Lifter Parts

Back Plate with Motor Mount The back plate attaches to the back of the frame and holds the motor and one of the bearing tubes for the crank shaft. I call it a “bearing tube” because it’s a short tube brazed into the metal plate to hold a…

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Sculpture and Art

Rolling Ball Sculpture Lift #2

Manufacturing has begun on ball lifter #2. Design Animation of Lifter #2 The lower mechanism lifts the ball off the entry track to a position where link 3 at connector F can catch it. From there, it is lifted and dropped onto a short track about half way…

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Sculpture and Art

Still Image of Ball Lifter

I just discovered that I don’t have a still image of the finished ball lifter. I captured one from the YouTube video. This RBS ball lifter lifts steel balls or marbles to the start point of the rolling ball track. The track is still being built and isn’t…

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Sculpture and Art

Working Ball Lifter

I just finished building the parts for the ball lifter. This won’t be the last post about this rolling ball sculpture because I need to build the track. But I may not have much to say about the lift mechanism after this. Two-Step Ball Lifter I may need…

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Sculpture and Art

Working On An RBS Again

I cleaned my garage and I’m back to working on a Rolling Ball Sculpture again. My garage was figuratively knee deep in stuff and almost literally knee deep in some places. I wanted to make some room to work on projects while also uncover the climbing wall. Yes,…

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Sample Linkage Mechanisms

Download samples and experiments for the Linkage mechanism designer and simulator. Rolling Bridge The Paddington Rolling Bridge mechanism. Information on the bridge in Paddington London can be found here: Download the file: rollingbridge.linkage2 Watch the video: Hoberman Circle Mechanism based on the well-known Hoberman Sphere mechanism by…

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Sculpture and Art

Working on the Track

Running Crank Shaft with Connecting Blocks and Temporary Rods I have the mechanism working on the latest Rolling Ball Sculpture and I’m now working on the track. The video shows the lifting mechanism working well and a short bit of track at the top. I intend to do…

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