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Linkage Program

Assur Triad Simulation

I’m working on simulating the Assur Triad using an iterative algorithm. Click here for an older post about the problem I’m trying to solve. The algorithm essentially treats two of the three “legs” of the triad as a 4-bar mechanism and simulates it as one of the legs…

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Linkage Program

Simulating the Assur Triad

Someone told me that what I’m having trouble with is called an “Assur Group” and some research led to me think that its more specifically called an “Assur triad”. The mechanism above is what gives me trouble. Each of the connectors B, D, F, can be simulated and…

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Infrequent Posts, Swift, RBS, etc…

I have not had much inclination to write on my blog recently. I don’t thinks it’s because of a lack of possible content, but rather because of a lack of motivation. I did post that I released a new version of the Linkage program but that was a…

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Linkage Program

3.10.5 is Released

I’ve been a bit lazy about updates. I updated the Linkage software to version 3.10.5 a few weeks or months ago. It’s no longer a beta program. This new version has a method of simulating links that are positioned by three other links. the algorithm to do this…

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