I’ve been a bit lazy about updates. I updated the Linkage software to version 3.10.5 a few weeks or months ago. It’s no longer a beta program.
This new version has a method of simulating links that are positioned by three other links. the algorithm to do this is weird because it needs to do a mini simulation on just the three links and the one that connects them all together. Want to know more? Check out this set of posts:
I took some shortcuts and some mechanism fail during simulation. Others have trouble with getting multiple results that cause a jump in the position of the links. It’s experimental, for sure. So if you have a mechanism and a link is held in place by three other links, it cold fail. But hey, it’s better than before when it would not even try to simulate it!
Speaking of being behind… I haven’t check for updates since the holidays.
Downloading now. Hoping to start tinkering with my RBS soon.
Thank you for taking the time to update and maintain this.