There is a new Microsoft Windows package manager. A package manager is a system of tools that let you install and remove software by simply referring to it by name. The package manager knows where to get the software so you don’t need to. You simply type “winget install linkage” at a command prompt and the installer files are downloaded and the software is installed.
A user contacted me about this and my first inclination was to avoid them; I get a lot of spam requests and I also see clickbait websites giving out my software while pretending that they “cracked” it (so a license or key is not needed). But after I did a little Google search and also got a vey nice reply from the user with answers to all of my many questions, I was able to place the files in the right place on my website and create the necessary manifest file that is added to the central repository. Once the manifest was confirmed to not be evil, by Microsoft I assume, running the winget install command works as expected.
I am not sure if everyone using Windows 10 will have winget right now. It seems to be in a state of limbo between being tested and being released. If you want top try it, you can Google “winget” and see if you can find the right information on the Microsoft website to help you install it.
I don’t know what happens if the software is already installed but I suspect that there will be a cryptic error. This is probably because the winget software is running my installer program (an MSI file) in a quite (invisible) mode. More work is needed by me to get this working as well as I can get it to work. Let me know if you encounter any problems using winget.