Board Gaming

Games we own. These are all available for game night with the North Tahoe Tabletop Board Game Meetup group....

Art Projects

I have worked on various art projects over the years. This is a collection of some of those projects....

Programming Projects

I have worked on various personal and professional computer programming projects over the years. This is a collection of...

“Rule Salad” and How to Learn a Game

I was playing Evacuation a few days ago with three other people. One of those people had played the game with me one-on-one about six months ago. I skimmed the rule book and tried to explain just enough so we could start taking turns. I did that because…

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2p Pax Pamir

Pax Pamir is a ruthless game. During yesterday’s game, my friend often commented on his bad situation and how losing his cards was terrible. I coached him to a win by reminding him of unfamiliar options. One such option was to switch loyalties to the same faction to…

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Evacuation by Vladimír Suchý

Evacuation is a board game where players evacuate a planet that its ever-increasing solar energy will burn up. The Evacuation will take four years, each year being a single round in the game. This game has some unique mechanisms I haven’t seen in other games. The rules in…

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