I would just like to thank you guys for using the Linkage program. The feedback I’ve gotten has been great and being able to provide features that people actually want is a very satisfying software development experience.
When I first added the sliding connector feature, I wasn’t aware of the real-world uses for such a thing. Even though I have always been interested in railroading, I never thought to look at the valve mechanism on a steam locomotive where a sliding connection is a requirement. Learning more about things like that or about how mechanisms are designed and used in the real world has been a lot of fun for me.
I mentioned this once on another blog page but it’s worth mentioning it again; I wrote the linkage program because I was building a robot and needed to move the legs of the robot from under the feet and under the platform it stood on. It wasn’t a functional robot that would actually walk but more of an entertainment robot that would move it’s feet in a stepping motion as it turned left and right to address the audience. The mechanical parts are in a box in the garage but the Linkage program went far beyond that first need.
Now if I could just figure out how to sell it for a few grand a copy like that other guy on the web!
Hi Dave, I’m new at this whole thing… but I am inspired by all your creative flair… and your artistic perseptions .. I am impressed at your “Linkage” software package.. It is the best thing since peanut butter… I would love to use it more; however as of today, I updated your software, the new version will not load.. Error.. (“null” is not an Win32 application”)… Blah..blah.. Xp pro sp3.. Is there a way to revert to the previous version? Please Help.. I feel like I lost my best friend>
Sorry for the change. XP is hard to support due to it being quite old. I will find an XP machine and see if I can fix the problem. I’ll let you know if I have any luck with it. I don;’t have a copy of the older version. Sorry.