This post turned out to be wrong. The email subscribers stuff is not working at all. There is a problem with my WordPress installation and publishing always fails the first time I do it for a new post. A second try at publishing works fine. It may be caused by a plugin I wrote to convert all png files to jpg files when they are uploaded; I’m just not sure.

I had the cron settings wrong for the email subscribers feature of this blog. I’m writing this post and then manually running the cron job to test it. I hope this notification doesn’t cause too many people to get too many emails and I apologize if it does.

“cron” is a feature of some computer operating systems that will run a “job” at a predetermined interval. The email sender apparently needs this and I had it disabled. I’m not sure why an essential part of the email subscribers plug-in can be disabled and my assumption was that some other mechanism would then get used to send the emails.

The script will run after midnight but I don’t know if that’s my time or the time of the servers (that are probably in India or Scotland). We’ll see!
