


Deleting All Users? Uh Oh!

My blog site has been compromised. I have no idea how someone can access the site and replace WordPress blog files with their own malicious crap. But they do it. it’s not even clear what they get from it because my host disabled malicious files as soon as…

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My Later Career in Computer Programing

This is a continuation of my story started in this earlier post here. At the end of my last post, I wrote about getting a job working for TimeLogic on a broadcast delay system. I Actually interviewed for that job and had to write some software as a…

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Wil Wheaton’s Blog Style

I sometimes read Wil Wheaton’s blog. For anyone who reads my blog and somehow doesn’t know of Wil Wheaton, he’s an actor who was in the movie Stand By Me and later played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation. He’s done other acting since then but…

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Too Much To Do – Too Little Time

I don’t usually write about personal stuff. Almost no one reads my blog and those that do are probably interested in the Linkage program or are curious about… the Linkage program. I also suspect that I get a few reads of programming posts now and then (I actually…

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Image Size Information (this blog)

This post content shows the image sizes that the blog software is managing. These sizes reflect all of the various images that are created from any uploaded image. The zero-size entries are caused by the theme adding some new sizes and then me getting rid of them by…

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Infrequent Posts, Swift, RBS, etc…

I have not had much inclination to write on my blog recently. I don’t thinks it’s because of a lack of possible content, but rather because of a lack of motivation. I did post that I released a new version of the Linkage program but that was a…

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UNR Accepts Puzzle Hunt Event Listing

A few days ago, I went to the website and entered information for the UNR Puzzle Hunt self-guided tour. I listed it as “daily” for as many years as they would accept. I entered the link to and then submitted it. A few days later, I…

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15 Miles and Counting…

I made it 15 miles in the kayak on Saturday (Aug 19 2017). It was really neat to go around Deadman Point and see Cave Rock and South Lake Tahoe. The Route I took went around and into Glenbrook Bay and included a small detour at the end…

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