The new version if Linkage is now available. 3.6.3 has some improvements and repairs:
- Fixed scaling issue for the popup element list in UHD displays.
- Change to allow pan and zoom during simulation.
- Fixed dimension lines to hide the line in the area behind the dimension text.
- Fixed link length feature to only move one connector if the other is on a locked link. This includes a fix to the tool bar to allow the link length to be shown there and to be set there.
- Changed the selected element box to update the main window whenever any element is selected or unselected.
- Allow drawing “lines” to be polylines in addition to being polygons as they were before. Just add a “connector” to a line and you’ll see that the line is actually much like a link and it becomes a polygon.
- Added an option to enable or disable dimensions on drawing layer elements.
The Linkage page has links to the download, as usual.
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