I did some work on the kayaking trips web page. The page shows a list of routes I took on various paddling outings. The page looks something like this:
This is not a log of all trips but is instead a list of routes I’ve taken one or more times. Most of the longer trips have only been paddled once or twice. Shorter trips, like paddling across Crystal Bay, have been paddled many times.
The page only showed the routes in color on the map in previous versions. Now the routes are also listed by name in the legend on the left side of the page. Any route name or route lines on the map can be clicked to get information about the route and about a specific trip in some cases.
The information window is supplied by Google, as is the rest of the map. I create the content for it using some JavaScript and Google creates the window and displays it when I ask for it.
One interesting thing about the development of this page was the mixing of PHP code and JavaScript code. There is PHP code that writes out JavaScript for the page. The JavaScript then creates the route lines on the map when the page is displayed. Pure PHP could not be used because of the need to write JavaScript as a way of controlling the Google map.