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AJAX is Easy

The title is not a generality. I mean it in the context of having some JavaScript code to do POST operations and get the results. I also have some PHP code that gets the POST request and creates a response. It too me only a few minutes to…

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AJAX and Multipart/Form-Data

I’m writing a lot of code most evenings. Here is some code I wrote in JavaScript to submit an AJAX request using multipart/form-data encoding. This is better than the more typical application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding because data does not need to be reformatted if it contains things that are not…

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Computers & Programming

AJAX and Mrs. King

Scarecrow and Mrs. King was a TV show from way way back. For some reason, it came to mind right when I was typing the title of this post. Scarecrow was the code name for a spy. Mrs. King was a housewife. They spied on people and helped…

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Computers & Programming

Lake Tahoe Temperature

A long time ago, I added some AJAX code to my blog so that the Lake Tahoe water temperature is displayed on my blog pages. It’s in the right navigation column down at the bottom. It doesn’t appear immediately and sometimes not at all if the temperature server…

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Computers & Programming

Programming Projects

I have worked on various personal and professional computer programming projects over the years. This is a collection of some of those projects. Links are provided when more details are available. Dates are rough estimates for when the program was developed. Art projects can be found here. Show…

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