Monthly Archives

August 2012

Sculpture and Art


Plans for relaxing? Nope. I am sketching out ideas for the RELAX sculpture. These are just ideas. Once the movement of every part of the sculpture is planned, I will either make some detailed plans or just make one part at a time until it is all working….

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Sculpture and Art


I have suddenly become distracted with a new project. I think that the final few inches of the new rolling ball sculpture is just not quite right. This is making me want to do something else until I know how to fix it. My sister-in-law has some metal…

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Sculpture and Art

Rolling Ball Sculpture n

[The finished version can now be seen on the artwork page.] I don’t know how many that I’ve made hence the number n! I’m working on this new one. It’s coming along nicely. The frame bars looked so good before anything was added that I considered just leaving…

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